Ministry Needs

Urgent Needs for the Operation of Community Hope International to Help Community

Please volunteer your help by selecting a link or show your SUPPORT for our animal friends,or  DONATE to the many needs of the neglected and abused animals.

We need dog doors, fences, kennels and food.With your support we can make a difference. We also need good homes for those thrown out and not wanted.
Please contact us today.

CD & DVD Recorder Needed for Community Hope Int. Plan $819.99
DVD & CD Duplicator (NEED 2 ) $1,897.00
Digital Recorder for Live Recording for Community Groups $309.00
HDV Video Camera for Group Recording on Work Being Done to Help Others $4,217.00

Above are special prices quoted from Kingdom Tapes with Shipping Included 

The need to up-grade our web site is great, Customers, Partners, Churches,
Organizations and community groups need access to our
site to be able to edit their information and up-date it.
We therefore would not have to do this manually for each one.

Our best quote for the things we need programed for our website is $8,500.

Carol and Paul Voss have personally invested over $80,000 in putting the Community Hope International Plan together. Along with printing materials, to put in the hands of people to reach out and help people within the community. They believe and know  this plan is assigned to them to meet desperate needs within the community. We now need to see others catch the vision to reach out to the lost and the needy. Its time for others to take part in investing in souls and community needs. It is God's assignment. Sow in time of plenty and you will reap plenty in time of need .
Financial Support for Purchasing Needed Equipment Click Here

I Would Like To:

Help Underprivileged people in my community through CHI people groups

Sponsor a Partner Event 

Volunteer in a People Group in my Community 

Start or Join a People Group in my Community (fill out form for choice of group)

Teach a Job Skill or (provide equipment to train a skill)

Teach Music Skills or provide (music equipment to teach and give others opportunity)

Start a Music Group (voice or band ) in my Community through CHI People Group

Teach Drama Skills to the underpriviledged in my Community

Start a Drama Team in my Community through CHI People Group

Click here - (and fill out the form for above choice or choices)

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